Wednesday 27 June 2012



In this picture i got my long bangs CUT!, i should look like a k-pop artist when i still had all that hair. ^_^

I have a Japanese grandparents from my father's side, and i have Spanish grandparents from my mother's side. Soo what does that mean?
For me it means nothing if how much of it is inside me, all i can think is i got it and i'm proud of it. Japanese this Spanish that. Blah Blah Blah. Its all this and that. 

When it comes to my appearance and attitude, I think like a Japanese but has the facial features of a Spanish but lives like a normal Filipino guy. Its a dull world having the blood of the foreign people who took over our country when they're still in the 1800's. But now it all changed, Having Japanese blood makes you a SUPPPPEEEERRRR OTTTAAAKUUU!! It means you have the bloodline of ninjas, samurais, manga artists, advance engineers. All of that i can do because of my Japanese blood, but everyone still has chance to do it. Not only me just because i'm half Japanese. Anybody can be an otaku, a ninja, a samurai, a manga artist, an engineer. Just believe in yourself!

Now with my Spanish side, one thing i can say is i look like a Spanish dude =='. And my two younger brothers are SOOOOOO LUCKKYY that they got the Japanese Appearance. Always wanted that Appearance but nooooo, i got the SPANISH APPEARANCE. =='

in some places where you are surrounded by wanna be Japanese otakus and i say i'm half Japanese, and i got it from my grandmother. Then they would be like. "really? cool!" then i'd say yeah it's really cool that i have the bloodline. Then they will like ENVY you. Then they would like brag it to people  hey i have a friend, a half japanese friend.. nya-nya-nya :P.

And i'm like look away. >.>

And i say that i don't care about the blood all i care is that i like ANIME! and manga's and nendouroids and more cool anime stuffs. Yay!!!

Let me tell you about what i learned from Japanese side and Spanish side.

In my Japanese side i learned that i like anime and i like cosplaying. before, I cosplayed "Pain" from "Naruto" and i was like i don't have the money to get the perfect COSPLAY! And there i was cosplaying with only costume, orange hair, ForeHead protector, ninja shoes, and there was more accessories that i could have bought if i had lotsa lotsa MONEY! But noooo. Keep it simple. And i was like. ==' FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, And on my Japanese side i learned japanese phrases, japanese tradition.

I even got the Japanese traditional style of sitting. When i eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner at home. On a table sitting on a chair then i always put both legs on my chair like a Traditional Japanese Person would sit. And i always liked to eat my favorite restaurant called "TOKYO TOKYO". SUUUPEEERRR FAVEE!!! always loved chopsticks and bento boxes. tried bringing one at school but when i put it on my bag foods fell out and we got an emergency. BAG SMELLS LIKE RICE AND EGGS! my notebook has eggs on top of it. 

Gonna end my story here. Going to sleep. :D
continuing next time. see ya! ^_^

About me:
I'm a guy about 5.3 in height and 49kg in weight. Has Korean hair styles, Fun-lovable guy, Likes to text, Likes to hang-out with friends at certain areas like a billiard hall or an amusement park or eat street yum yum foods. Likes badminton. Likes EGGS MIXED WITH RICE THEN YOU PUT ANY MEAT WITH VEGGIES, AND YOU HAVE FOOOOOOOOOD! yUMMY FOOD. BTW! i'm not fat! I like friends. SUPER WANTS HUGS! :D YAAAY HUGS!!

Soo if you want to know more about me follow me at this sites:



btw, i'm not good at tumblr layouts. hahaha ^^

Text me if your from the Philippines!


  1. Wait you do realize you can't be three halves something right..?

  2. Dude you don't look Spanish, you look totally Filipino. I don't know where did you get that. Look like you're confusing Filipino with Spanish but these are two totally different ethnic groups. Spaniards are Europeans while Filipinos are Southeast Asians.

  3. Dont evn look like japanese person my guy. U look mor like a fukn monkey. Go eat some bananas u stinky
